HLS Series

HLS Series – Aftercinema

Human Light System Series – time video by Kirill Korotkov:

The Healer, The Course, The Game, The Bio-Net, A Song of Light and Water, Community Power, The Energy of Space, HLS Hardware and Software

2010-Now, Korotkov.TV production

More about Aftermovie-Aftercinema

HLS Series, part One, The Healer

The Healer – Documentary. Experiment with Christos Drossinakis and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, using GDVCAMERA (Bio-Well and Compact), UV camera, Translighters devices and other HLS Equipment.

Russia, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria

The movie by Kirill Korotkov, Editor – Oleg Bazhenov

In the movie: Christos Drossinakis, Professor Konstantin Korotkov, Lara Weigmann and Friends


HLS Series. Part One. The Healer. Available for free here.

MHC Ticket to the Movie on GDVPLANET

More: The Healer

The Course

HLS Series, part 2

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

The Course – Bio-Net Educational technologies. Human Development lectures, trainings and meditations. HLS E/R/evolution on the Education!

Czech Republic, Germany, Romania

You will see in the HLS Course:

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Dr. Sergey Avdeev, Dr. Krishna Madappa, Dr. Alexander Dvoryanchikov, Dr. Alexander Kozhemyakin, Dr. Dieter Zenke, Dr. Thornton Streeter, Hesham Sami, Dmitry Orlov, Galina Gajova, Emrik Suichies, Olga Farber, Boris Petrovich, Tatyana Karovina, Eugenie Avdeev, Kirill Korotkov,  and other lecturers

HLS Course

HLS Video courses

The Project. The Course. – online course and congress


More: HLS Course

The Game

HLS Series, part 3

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

Translighters Games 2018/2019 – the Biointernet Show with Kirill Korotkov, Sergey Avdeev and Friends

Translighters Games Episodes ##1-19 on Translighters Games website

Translighters Games, Season 1, Enter

Translighters Games, Season 2, Inception (TG, S2 Episodes on HLS website)

Translighters Games, Season 3, Hardcore

Translighters Games, Season 4, New Structure


Online, Weekly, Interactive the Biointernet Show with Kirill Korotkov, Sergey Avdeev and Friends

Welcome to the Game!

More: The Game, Translighters Games website

The Bio-Net

HLS Series, part 4

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

The Bio-Net – experimental Noosphere network

The Bio-Net – first the Biointernet Service on the World


The Biointernet Mask officially launched

More: The Bio-Net, Bio-Net website, The Biointernet Mask, Masking Technologies

A Song of Light and Water

HLS Series, part 5

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

A Song of Light and Water

The Water Electricity

During childhood illness, grandmothers and doctors will often advise: “drink more water.” In his now-classic book, titled Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, the Iranian physician Fereydoon Batmanghelidj con-firms the wisdom of this quaint advice. The author documents years of clinical practice showing reversal of diverse patholo-gies simply by drinking more water. Hydration is critical!


Water’s centrality for health is nothing new, but it has been progressively forgotten. With the various sciences laying emphasis on molecular, atomic, and even sub-atomic approaches, we have lost sight of what happens when the pieces come together to form the larger entity. The whole may indeed exceed the sum of its parts: 99% of those parts are water molecules.

To think that 99% of our molecules merely bathe the “more important” molecules of life ignores centuries of evidence to the contrary. Water plays a central role in all features of life. Until recently, the understanding of water’s properties has been constrained by the common misconception that water has three phases.

We now know it has four. Taking into account this fourth phase allows many of water’s “anomalies” to vanish: those anomalies turn into predictable features.

Water becomes more understandable, and so do entities made largely of water, such as oceans, clouds, and human beings.

The insights described here arose out of a departure from the mainstream science route. They were gleaned mainly from simple observations and logical interpretations. I have purpose-fully ignored the usual foundation of the “generally accepted,” having some skepticism that all accepted principles are necessarily valid.

I believe this skepticism has brought us some gains. If this outcome is representative, then similarly unorthodox approaches in other fields may yield rich bounties, especially in those fields that have shown little signs of real progress. I hope this example inspires other such unconventional approaches. Professor Gerald Pollack

More: 4 phase of water, The Bridge, BZI Water, Low and Superlow Fields and Radiation in Medicine and Biology

Community Power

Bio-Net Bridges

HLS Series, part 6

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

Community Power


More: Bio-Net Forum, The Biointernet project

The Energy of Space

HLS Series, part 7

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

The Energy of Space – The Biointernet Expeditions and more. Time travel around the World!

Consciousness and Environment Research

The Noosphere Measurements Project


More: The Biointernet Expeditions, Translighters Games, The Energy of Space project, Expeditions

HLS Hardware and Software

HLS Series, part 8

Human Light System Series – video series by Kirill Korotkov

HLS Hardware (Equipment) and Software (Apps) – GDVCAMERA, Bio-Net, Translighters Technologies, The Biointernet Mask, BLAGA System, EHF Technologies, Low and Superlow Fields devices, Files with Functions and more


Present, Past and Future of Human Development devices

More: GDVCAMERA, Translighters, EHF technologies

Human Light System Series on Korotkov.TV

The Healer Documentary by Kirill Korotkov

MHC Ticket to the Movie on GDVPLANET